An Explanation Of The Different Types Of Tooth Replacement

With advances in just about every industry these days, more and more options are becoming available for many different areas. The same is true for the dental industry, including teeth replacement. This article discusses the different types of tooth replacement and lists some advantages of each. 

Tooth bonding

Tooth bonding occurs when the dentist uses a composite resin and attaches it to the front or sides of surrounding teeth. It is more commonly used to fix teeth that are severely discolored, have cracks or chips, or are uneven. However, it may be used to replace missing teeth in certain cases. One advantage of tooth bonding for teeth replacement is that it is a less expensive option than the others. It can also be a much quicker process and doesn't require any type of surgery. 


Veneers are used to replace more than one tooth in a row. They are slightly more involved than bonding, but use a similar process. They are made from porcelain and are permanently bonded to the front of the teeth or the surrounding teeth. They are also often used to fix teeth that are severely discolored, have cracks or chips, or are uneven, but are also bonded to teeth surrounding the gaps to replace missing teeth. An advantage of this is that the veneers can be more permanent than tooth bonding, as long as they're properly taken care of. They are also harder to distinguish from real teeth than the bonded teeth. Another advantage is that no surgery is required.

Dental bridges

These are literally a bridge for the missing teeth. Caps are placed on the two teeth surrounding the gap or gaps. These are the anchors for the teeth. Then, a fake tooth, called a pontic, is placed in between the crowned teeth. The pontics can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of these materials. An advantage of this is that it can be a less expensive option, depending on the type of bridge. Another advantage is that because of the way they are designed, they can last up to fifteen years and possibly longer, if properly taken care of. And finally, as with the previous two options, bridgework does not require surgery.

Dental implants

These are for patients who have several teeth missing. The implants are surgically placed into the jaw bone and will eventually fuse with the jaw. An advantage to having implants done is that the patient can have all the missing teeth replaced at one time, rather than having to return to the dentist's office several times. It can be more expensive, but with proper care, implants can last for the remainder of the patient's life. 
