Why You Are Experiencing Dental Pain During the Cold Season

Do you experience flare-ups of dental pain during the cold season? If you do, then it means some parts of your teeth are sensitive, and the cold temperatures are affecting the inner parts of your tooth. This is what happens if the protective layer of your teeth (the enamel) is eroded or the sensitive roots of your tooth are exposed. Here are four things that can lead to your condition.

Gum Recession

Gum recession occurs when gum tissues lower their position and leave the roots of the teeth exposed. This leaves the roots susceptible to irritation from different things, including cold temperatures, since the roots are more sensitive than the parts of the teeth above the gum line. Gum recession is caused by different things including over brushing the teeth, poor dental alignment, teeth grinding, gum disease and even genetics.

Hairline Cracks on the Teeth

Hairline cracks on your teeth can also lead to discomfort during the cold season since the cold temperatures will be able to pass through them into the inner tooth structures. These small cracks have different causes such as nail biting, teeth grinding, and trauma, among other things. Anything that places too much force on your teeth can cause them to crack; that's why you aren't supposed to use your teeth as tools, for example, as a bottle opener.

Apart from physical forces, the expansion and contraction of your teeth can also cause them to crack. During the cold season, your teeth contract when exposed to freezing temperatures. When their temperature rises (for example, when you drink a hot beverage), the teeth expand. Repeated expansion and contraction can lead to cracks.

Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is particularly bad because it exposes large parts of the teeth. The main causes of enamel erosion are acidic substances, such as food, drinks, vomitus, and medication. Other causes include teeth grinding and any force that can remove the outer layer of your teeth.

Damage from Ill-Fitting orthodontics

Lastly, ill-fitting or damaged orthodontics can also damage your enamel or leave it exposed to temperature fluctuations. Examples include ill-fitting dental fittings, crowns, and bridges. That's why it's important to see your orthodontist anytime you suspect your orthodontic treatments are not fitting correctly.  

Relieve your teeth sensitivity by using a soft toothbrush, avoiding acidic foods, and breathing cold air through your nose. These, however, are only temporary solutions. For a permanent solution, consult a dentist like those at Centre Family Dentistry to diagnose and treat the cause of the sensitivity.
