What's The Difference Between Two-Stage And One-Stage Dental Implants?

Dental implant treatments don't all follow the same timescale or work in the same way. While all implants use the same technology and general techniques, dentists can choose from two different procedures here. They can use two-stage or one-stage implants.

What are the differences between these two techniques?

What Is A Two-Stage Dental Implant?

When you start dental implant surgery, your dentist cuts into your gum to insert an implant post into your jaw bone in the place where your new tooth will go. If you are having a two-stage treatment, then your dentist will stitch up the gum around the post when this part of the treatment is done.

You will have a wait a few months before you move on to the next stage of your treatment. You need to give the post time to settle into its surrounding bone and fuse with it.

Once your implant post has fused, your dentist moves on to the next stage of the process. They open up your gum again to access the post so that they can attach an abutment to it. This abutment will hold your implant tooth.

In some cases, your dentist will want the abutment to settle before they add the crowning tooth. In others, they add the tooth at the same time as the abutment.

What Is A One-Stage Dental Implant?

A one-stage dental implant works the same way as a two-stage procedure; however, it uses a slightly simplified process. Here, your first surgery stage is the same as it would be in a two-stage process — your dentist cuts into the gum to insert the implant post.

However, your dentist doesn't stitch up your gum again at this point. They attach the abutment as soon as the post is in place. You then have a wait of a few months before you can attach your implant tooth.

Once your post is fused, your dentist simply has to attach your crown at this stage. The abutment already sits outside your gum, so they don't have to cut into it again.

Dentists typically prefer to use two-stage implant procedures. The extra protection you get from covering the implant post with your gum usually makes these implants more stable. However, there are times when a dentist will recommend a one-stage procedure. Or, you can request this option if you want to reduce the number of surgeries you have during your treatment.

To find out more about the best option for you, ask a general dentist for advice. 
