4 Simple Ways To Care For Your Dental Implants After Surgery

Patients with missing or permanently damaged teeth often opt for dental implants as a replacement option. Implants are designed to function and look like real teeth. If you have decided to install implants, you could feel anxious about the upcoming surgery. This piece will cover ways to care for your implants after treatment and enjoy fast recovery.

1. Ask for Assistance

Generally, dentists use local anesthesia to numb the surgical site during treatment. You may also request sedation if the option is viable. However, the anesthesia will slowly fade out of your body. Since implant surgeries are often outpatient services, you might need someone to drive you home after the procedure. Ask a close friend or family member to escort you to the dental clinic and pick you up after surgery to ensure your safety.

2. Pain Management

It is normal for patients to experience discomfort, slight bleeding, and swelling around the incisions. As the anesthesia subsides, you may begin to feel the pain. Follow your dentist's instructions carefully on pain management. The specialist might prescribe medicine to manage pain. Take the medication as prescribed.

If the pain persists, you can place a cold pack on the affected area. The discomfort should subside within the first few days after treatment. It would also be a good time to take a few days off from work and strenuous activities. If you experience too much pain or bleeding, schedule an emergency appointment with the dentist.

3. Follow Dietary Guidelines

The best way to enhance healing is to avoid irritating the incisions on your gum line. Specialists recommend consuming soft foods that don't take a lot of effort to chew and swallow. It would be ideal to try out soups, sauces, and vegetables. Ensure the food is rich in nutrients to help you heal quickly.

Avoid hard or sticky food that may injure your gums. Stay away from food that's too hot, spicy, and salty to avoid irritating the incision site.

4. Avoid Smoking And Drinking Alcohol

It is important to quit smoking even before the surgery. Your dentist probably mentioned that smoking affects the recovery process and increases the risks of infections and implant failure. Alcohol, on the other hand, might interfere with the antibiotics and pain medication prescribed, making your healing experience unbearable. Therefore, avoid drinking alcohol and smoking to improve your chances of successful implant surgery.

Don't forget to rest since you'll need all your body's energy to recover. Besides following these tips, listen to your dentist and adhere to their recommendations to avoid having a hard time.

Contact a company like Conestoga Oral Surgery for more information. 
